

SATYA NARAYANA NADELLA CHOWDHARY was born in the year1967 to an IAS OFFICER,B.N.YUGANDHAR(who was a member of the PLANNING COMMISSION during 2004-2009 under Prime minister-MANMOHAN SINGH)in BUKKAPURAM in the district of ANANTHAPUR in ANDHRAPRADESh,INDIA.he completed his B.E in MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY nd later completed his Masters(M.S.,computer science) from the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE.later he also got his MBA from the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOTH SCHOL OF BUSINESS.Nadella worled with Sun microsystems,as a member of its technical staff,before his join in MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY.In MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY he led the major projects of the company's move to the cloud computing nd the development of one of the largest cloud infrastructures in the world.
Nadella worked as the senior vice-president of MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY business division.later,he was made the president of MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY 's $19 billion server nd tools business.Nadella 's base salary in 2013 in MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY is nearly $700,000,nd for a total compensation,ith a stock bonuses of $7.6 millions.
Satya Nadella played a major role in MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY 's transition to cloud computing.