

EDWARD JOSEPH SNOWDEN was born in June 21,1983.SNOWDEN is an American computer specialist,former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the former Contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA).SNOWDEN came to international attention when he disclosed a large number of classified documents to several media outlets.The leaked documents revealed operational details of a global surveillance apparatus run by the NSA and the other members of the Five Eyes alliance,along with numerous commercial and international partners.
The release of classified material was called the most significant leak in US history by Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg.a series of exposes beginning june 5,2013 revealed internet surveillance programs such as PRISM,XKEYSCORE and TEMPORA,as well as the interception of US and European telephone metadata.the reports were based on documents SNOWDEN leaked to THE GUARDIAN and THE WASHINGTON POST while employed by NSA contractor BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON.by november 2013,THE GUARDIAN had published one percent of the documents,with "the worst yet to come".
SNOWDEN flew to Hong Kong from his home in Hawaiion May 20,2013,where he later met with journalist GLENN GREENWALD and LAURA POITRAS and released his copies of the NSA documents.after disclosing his identity,he flew from hong kong and landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport on june 23,reportedly for a one-eight layover en route to Ecuador.it is still unclear that,why SNOWDEN didnot boarded an onward flight and he remained in Russia.On August !,the Russian Government granted him a one-year temporary Asylum.
A subject to controversy,SNOWDEN had been variously called as a HERO,a WHISTLE-BLOWER,a DISSIDENT, a TRAITOR and a PATRIOT.  SNOWDEN 's "SOLE MOTIVE " for leaking the documents was,in his own words that , "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them ".the disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance,government secrecy,and the balance between national security and information privacy.
Two court rulings since the initial leaks have split on the constitutionally of the NSA's huge collection of the telephone data.SNOWDEN is considered to be a fugitive by American authorities who in June 2013 charged him with Espionage and theft of government property.in early 2014,some of the media outlets and politicians called for leniency in the form of Clemency,Amnesty or Pardon,while others called for him to be imprisoned or killed.
SNOWDEN lives in an undisclosed location in Russia,and he is seeking Asylum in the European Union. SNOWDEN currently serves as Rector of the university of Glasgow,and also serves on the Freedom of the Press Foundation board of directors. 



is the first Chairman and the Managing Director of the BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK,(first WOMEN BANK OF INDIA) bank focused on the banking needs of women and on promoting the economic empowerment.

BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK,known as the WOMEN BANK OF INDIA is an Indian financial services banking company based in New delhi,India.our prime minister,Manmohan singh inaugurated the WOMEN BANK OF INDIA(BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK)  on 19 november 2013 on the occasion of the 94th birth anniversary of former Indian Prime Minister INDIRA GANDHI.although initially reported as a bank exclusively for women,the bank will allow deposits to flow from every one,but lending will be predominantly only for the women.

INDIA is the third country in the world to have a bank especially for the sake of women.Pakistan and Tanzania already have an Exclusive bank for women.the move has been criticized as it treats women "differently".This fact is "guised in many forms,some in garbs of reverence,some as protection,but they are all forms of discrimination that promote gender-based stereo typing.Women - only organisations stem from this eagerness to patronise women in the name of preferential treatment." ,repoted by THE HINDU.

in India,only 26% of women have an account with a formal financial institution,compared with 46% of men.that means an account in either a bank,a credit union,a co-operative,post office or a micro finance institution,according to a study by the WORLD BANK.also,for women ,per capita credit is 80 percent lower than males.

The bank 's initial capital consists of RS 1,000 crores.the government plans to have 25 branches pf the said bank by the end of march 2014 and 500 branches by 4th year of operation(2017).the BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK or WOMEN BANK OF INDIA,which started operations from november 2013,is planning to open a modest 33,400 accounts through 39 branches in its first year.

Ms.USHA ANANTHASUBRAMANIAN is the First CEO of the BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK / WOMEN BANK OF INDIA.she holds a master's degree in statistics from the University of Madras and a Master's degree in ancient Indian culture from University of Mumbai.her background in statistics helped her get her first job as a specialist in the Actuarial department with LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION(LIC).she started her career in banking February 1982,when she joined the Bank of Baroda as a specialist officer in its planning stream. prior to joining BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK / WOMEN BANK OF INDIA,she worked at Punjab National Bank and was recognised in the following roles :
  • Executive Director
  • member of share Transfer Committee
  • member of Audit Committee
  • member of Customer service committee
  • member of Information Technology Committee
  • member of management Committee
  • member of special committee of board-for monitoring fraud



STEVEN PAUL STEVE JOBS was born on 24th February,1955 in San Francisco,California,US.STEVE JOBS Was an american Entrepreneur,marketer and inventor,who was the chairman,co-founder and CEO of APPLE inc.STEVE JOBS was also the founder and CEO of NEXT inc and also was the co-founder,CEO of PIXAR.STEVE JOBS was one of the Board members of The Walt Disney Company.STEVE JOBS 's religion is Zen Buddhism.
STEVE JOBS was among the first to see the commercial potentials of Xerox PARC's mouse driven graphical user interface,which led to the creation of APPLE LISA and a year later,the MACINTOSH.STEVE JOBS also played a key role in introducing the LASER WRITER,one of the first widely available laser printers to the market.
After a big clash with the board of directore in 1985,STEVE JOBS left APPLE and founded NEXT,a computer platform development company.in 1986,STEVE JOBS acquired the computer graphics division of LUCASFILM,which is a spum off as PIXAR.STEVE JOBS was credited in TOY STORY as an executive producer.STEVE JOBS served as CEO and majority shareholder until Disney's purchase of PIXAR in 2006.in 1996,after Apple had failed in delivering its OS,the NEXTSTEP became the foundation for MAC-OS X.STEVE JOBS returned to APPLE as an advisor and took control of the company as an interim ceo,STEVE JOBS brought APPLE from near bankruptcy to profitability by 1998.as the new ceo of the company,STEVE JOBS oversaw the development of the IMAC,ITUNES,IPOD,IPAD and on the services side,the company's APPLE retail store,Itunes stores and the app store. 
STEVE JOBS received a number of honours and public recognition for his inflence in the technology and music industries.STEVE JOBS gas beeb referred also to as "Legendary" , a "futurist" and a "Visionary" and has been described as the "Father of the Digital Revolution" ,a "Master of Innovation", "the Master Evangelist of the Digital age " and a "Digital Perfectionist".
In 2003,STEVE JOBS was diagnosed with a pancreas nueroendocrine tumor.though it was initialy treated,STEVE JOBS reported a hormone imbalance,underwent a liver transplant in 2009,and appeared progressively thinner as his health was declined to.On medical leave for most of 2011,STEVE JOBS resigned in august that year and was elected Chairman of the board.STEVE JOBS died of respiratory arrest ,which is related to the tumor on October 5,2011.



was born in SIWANI village in BHIWANI district inthe state,HARYANA on 16 August,1968 to Gobind Ram Kejriwal & Gita Devii,a well educated and a well_off couple.
his father was an electrical engioneer,graduated form the BIT(BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY).
ARAVIND KEJRIWAL completed his Mechanical Engineering  at  Indian Institute of Technology,kharagpur and from then he worked for TATA STEEL.later in 1992,ARAVIND KEJRIWAL left that job,having previously taken leave of absence in order to study for the civil services examination,and spent some time in kolkata,at the Ramakrishna Mission in North-east India and at Nehru Yuva Kendra.
ARAVIND KEJRIWAL is married to Sunitha,who is also an IRS officer and also his batchmate from National Academy of Administration in Mussoorie and the National Academy of Direct Taxes in nagpur.
ARAVIND KEJRIWAL beleive " CHANGE BEGINS WITH SMALL THINGS ".In december 1999,while still in service with the income tax department,he helped found a movement named " PARIVARTAN " (which means CHANGE ),focused mainly on assisting citizens in navigating income tax,electricity and food ration matterts in parts of delhi.
Together with MANISH SISODIA and ABHINANDAN SEKHRI,ARAVIND KEJRIWAL Established the Public Cause Research Foundation in December 2006,donating prize money he had received from the Ramon Magasaysay Award as a seed fund.this new body paid the employees of PARIVARTAN.
ARAVIND KEJRIWAL was the civil society representative member of the committe constitued by the Goverment of India to draft a JAN LOKPAL BILL,following a campaign for introduction of such legislation that featured ANNA HAZARE.
 ARAVIND KEJRIWAL established the AAP in novembe 2012 as he beleived that electoral politics was the next logical step in the fight against corruption.the party name reflects the phrase AAM AADMI or COMMON MAN.
in the delhi election,ARAVIND KEJRIWAL defeated the incumbent Chief-minister SHEILA DIKSHITH in her own constituency of NEW DELHI,by a margin of 25,864 votes.ARAVIND KEJRIWAL 's party as awhole won 28 of the total 70 available seats,by listing in second place.
ARAVIND KEJRIWAL was sworn in as the second-youngest chief-minister of delhi on 28 december 2013,after CHAUDHARY BRAHM PRAKASH.



SATYA NARAYANA NADELLA CHOWDHARY was born in the year1967 to an IAS OFFICER,B.N.YUGANDHAR(who was a member of the PLANNING COMMISSION during 2004-2009 under Prime minister-MANMOHAN SINGH)in BUKKAPURAM in the district of ANANTHAPUR in ANDHRAPRADESh,INDIA.he completed his B.E in MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY nd later completed his Masters(M.S.,computer science) from the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE.later he also got his MBA from the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOTH SCHOL OF BUSINESS.Nadella worled with Sun microsystems,as a member of its technical staff,before his join in MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY.In MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY he led the major projects of the company's move to the cloud computing nd the development of one of the largest cloud infrastructures in the world.
Nadella worked as the senior vice-president of MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY business division.later,he was made the president of MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY 's $19 billion server nd tools business.Nadella 's base salary in 2013 in MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY is nearly $700,000,nd for a total compensation,ith a stock bonuses of $7.6 millions.
Satya Nadella played a major role in MICROSOFT SOFTWARE COMPANY 's transition to cloud computing.