

EDWARD JOSEPH SNOWDEN was born in June 21,1983.SNOWDEN is an American computer specialist,former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the former Contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA).SNOWDEN came to international attention when he disclosed a large number of classified documents to several media outlets.The leaked documents revealed operational details of a global surveillance apparatus run by the NSA and the other members of the Five Eyes alliance,along with numerous commercial and international partners.
The release of classified material was called the most significant leak in US history by Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg.a series of exposes beginning june 5,2013 revealed internet surveillance programs such as PRISM,XKEYSCORE and TEMPORA,as well as the interception of US and European telephone metadata.the reports were based on documents SNOWDEN leaked to THE GUARDIAN and THE WASHINGTON POST while employed by NSA contractor BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON.by november 2013,THE GUARDIAN had published one percent of the documents,with "the worst yet to come".
SNOWDEN flew to Hong Kong from his home in Hawaiion May 20,2013,where he later met with journalist GLENN GREENWALD and LAURA POITRAS and released his copies of the NSA documents.after disclosing his identity,he flew from hong kong and landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport on june 23,reportedly for a one-eight layover en route to Ecuador.it is still unclear that,why SNOWDEN didnot boarded an onward flight and he remained in Russia.On August !,the Russian Government granted him a one-year temporary Asylum.
A subject to controversy,SNOWDEN had been variously called as a HERO,a WHISTLE-BLOWER,a DISSIDENT, a TRAITOR and a PATRIOT.  SNOWDEN 's "SOLE MOTIVE " for leaking the documents was,in his own words that , "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them ".the disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance,government secrecy,and the balance between national security and information privacy.
Two court rulings since the initial leaks have split on the constitutionally of the NSA's huge collection of the telephone data.SNOWDEN is considered to be a fugitive by American authorities who in June 2013 charged him with Espionage and theft of government property.in early 2014,some of the media outlets and politicians called for leniency in the form of Clemency,Amnesty or Pardon,while others called for him to be imprisoned or killed.
SNOWDEN lives in an undisclosed location in Russia,and he is seeking Asylum in the European Union. SNOWDEN currently serves as Rector of the university of Glasgow,and also serves on the Freedom of the Press Foundation board of directors.