

is the first Chairman and the Managing Director of the BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK,(first WOMEN BANK OF INDIA) bank focused on the banking needs of women and on promoting the economic empowerment.

BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK,known as the WOMEN BANK OF INDIA is an Indian financial services banking company based in New delhi,India.our prime minister,Manmohan singh inaugurated the WOMEN BANK OF INDIA(BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK)  on 19 november 2013 on the occasion of the 94th birth anniversary of former Indian Prime Minister INDIRA GANDHI.although initially reported as a bank exclusively for women,the bank will allow deposits to flow from every one,but lending will be predominantly only for the women.

INDIA is the third country in the world to have a bank especially for the sake of women.Pakistan and Tanzania already have an Exclusive bank for women.the move has been criticized as it treats women "differently".This fact is "guised in many forms,some in garbs of reverence,some as protection,but they are all forms of discrimination that promote gender-based stereo typing.Women - only organisations stem from this eagerness to patronise women in the name of preferential treatment." ,repoted by THE HINDU.

in India,only 26% of women have an account with a formal financial institution,compared with 46% of men.that means an account in either a bank,a credit union,a co-operative,post office or a micro finance institution,according to a study by the WORLD BANK.also,for women ,per capita credit is 80 percent lower than males.

The bank 's initial capital consists of RS 1,000 crores.the government plans to have 25 branches pf the said bank by the end of march 2014 and 500 branches by 4th year of operation(2017).the BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK or WOMEN BANK OF INDIA,which started operations from november 2013,is planning to open a modest 33,400 accounts through 39 branches in its first year.

Ms.USHA ANANTHASUBRAMANIAN is the First CEO of the BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK / WOMEN BANK OF INDIA.she holds a master's degree in statistics from the University of Madras and a Master's degree in ancient Indian culture from University of Mumbai.her background in statistics helped her get her first job as a specialist in the Actuarial department with LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION(LIC).she started her career in banking February 1982,when she joined the Bank of Baroda as a specialist officer in its planning stream. prior to joining BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK / WOMEN BANK OF INDIA,she worked at Punjab National Bank and was recognised in the following roles :
  • Executive Director
  • member of share Transfer Committee
  • member of Audit Committee
  • member of Customer service committee
  • member of Information Technology Committee
  • member of management Committee
  • member of special committee of board-for monitoring fraud